International Forest, & Environmental Development

Forêt Internationale, et Développement Environnemental

MFE 304: Designing REDD++ and natural resource management projects

Course Details

The objective of this module is to train or strengthen the capacities of development actors on
efficient techniques for setting up projects to facilitate access to increasingly limited funding.

This module is structured as follows:
Analysis phase
o Preparatory analysis
o Stakeholder analysis
o Problem analysis
o Analysis of objectives
o Analysis of strategies
Planning phase
o Logical Framework
o Intervention logic
o Indicators and sources of verification
o Assumptions
o the Necessary means
o Preparation of a calendar of activities ( Drafting of the project (elements to consider to have a high impact project)

phase and search for funding of the project
o Preparation of the provisional budget
o Establishment of a mechanism for monitoring available funding
o Knowledge of lessors’ requirements
o Setting up the submission schedule
Monitoring-evaluation phase
o Why?
o When?
o How?
o Financial follow-up
o Writing Report
Financial package of the project
o Knowledge of partners and their requirements
o Analysis of project inputs
o Preparation of the provisional budget (expenditure and revenue)
o Implementation of a monitoring and evaluation system
o Writing of the financial package

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