ONLINE TRAINING – FOURTH QUARTER 2022 – MFE 208: Effective management of Protected Areas (PAs)
Protected areas are the main mechanism for safeguarding biodiversity, the cornerstone that each State has for achieving the objectives of maintenance and sustainable use of biodiversity and compliance with its commitments to the international convention on biological diversity.
However, despite efforts to conserve biodiversity and biological heritage through protected areas, the world’s biological diversity is increasingly threatened or even disappearing for many of them related to pressures of all kinds, but also because of the vulnerability of local populations, problems of sustainable financing, which should lead ecologists, managers of protected areas, local populations, technicians and engineers in the ministries concerned to reconsider the traditional ways of managing protected areas.
This course will enable participants to better understand the tools and techniques of planning for effective management of PAs, to significantly improve their contribution to the conservation of biological diversity and the living conditions of the local populations. This course will also help participants to improve their knowledge on management and evaluation standards, as well as sustainable financing mechanisms in order to help mitigating the critical issue of the economic and ecological profitability of PA conservation. Emphasis will be placed on ecotourism techniques to improve visits and make PAs more profitable.
-National conservation policies (legislation, strategies) and protected area management issues
-Presentation of appropriate tools for planning and management of protected areas (Management Plan, Business Plan, Integrated Market Enforcement Teams (IMET), Annual Budgeted Work Plan (ABWP), etc.)
- Biodiversity restoration inside and outside protected areas
- Landscape & ecological connectivity approaches and transboundary management Participatory approaches (local populations, other national and international stakeholders/partners: governmental institutions and non-governmental organizations, research institutes, private sector, ) and biodiversity management
- Sustainable management of natural resources in PAs (Management of terrestrial, marine and coastal ecosystems; integrated land use planning; exploitation of floral species with high economic potential; sustainable exploitation of non-timber forest products of plant origin; design, implementation and monitoring of development projects alternative to the overexploitation of natural resources; partnership negotiation and governance)
- Total Economic Value (TEV) of Protected Areas
- Prevention of zoonotic diseases
- Ecological monitoring, wildlife inventory techniques and GIS concepts
-Field trip and data processing
-Funding research, sustainable financial mechanisms, and lobbying
- Planning and management of human resources
- Eco-tourism and enhancement of the visitor experience (Parks Canada expertise)
- Enforcement of legislation to promote eco-tourism (Parks Canada expertise)
Date : 08 to 10 November 2022
Participation fees : $250 USD
Registration deadline : October 23, 2022
This training will be facilitated by high-level trainers and professionals with many years of experience in protected area training and management. PARKS CANADA experts will share their experiences in the development of protected areas through ecotourism, visitor experience and responsible enforcement of regulations that make Canada one of the most popular places in the world for ecotourists.
A certificate of training will be issued to participants. Course notes and videos will be made available to those who, for various reasons, will not be able to attend certain sessions.
We invite you to use the link below to register:
For all information, please refer to :