Programme de Formation IFED 2024
Programme de Formation IFED 2024
IFED – International Forestry and Environmental Development
Tel: +1 (613) 888 3956 Email: Website:
IFED – International Forestry and Environmental Development
Tel: +1 (613) 888 3956 Email: Website:
IFED – International Forestry and Environmental Development
Tel: +1 (613) 888 3956 Email: Website:
IFED – International Forestry and Environmental Development
Tel: +1 (613) 888 3956 Email: Website:
Dear Partner,
As we bid farewell to 2023, I’d like to express my gratitude for the memorable journey we’ve made together.
The 28th Conference of the Parties was held this autumn in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates, one of the world’s largest oil states. The appointment of Sultan Ahmed Al-Jaber, UAE Minister of Industry and Advanced Technologies and CEO of the oil company ADNOC, provoked an outcry from environmental groups, some of which chose to boycott COP 28. The major resolution of COP 28 was the transition away from fossil fuels, including coal as well as other fuels such as oil and gas. Although there is a sense of disappointment that the final text is non- binding, it nevertheless embodies a commitment to move away from polluting fuels. Positive actions and treaties can have a positive impact on our quality of life. One example is the Montreal Protocol, which has significantly reduced the amount of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in the atmosphere. The gradual elimination of almost 99% of banned ozone-depleting substances has helped preserve the ozone layer and contributed significantly to its recovery in the upper stratosphere and to a reduction in human exposure to the Sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays, according to experts commissioned by the UN.
However, our society continues to be undermined by air pollution, with many industries and transport still heavily dependent on fossil fuels, notably gas and oil. Storms and bushfires are increasingly common in our daily lives. Global population growth and the need to survive continue to put pressure on natural resources, with consequences for biodiversity,
forests, with deforestation still on the increase in some countries, household and industrial waste contaminating our waterways, our health and our atmosphere. In 2023, IFED worked intensively on training with online courses. In the course of the year, we introduced a face-to-face training course on sustainable management, which has attracted a great deal of interest. This course will take place in Canada in March 2024.
Faced with these many challenges, environmental education and the sustainable management of our resources remain a priority for our ecological transition. I would like to take this opportunity to submit to you the professional training and capacity-building program for the year 2024. These trainings will be facilitated by high-level trainers and professionals with many years of experience in training and capacity building in the fields of renewable resource management and climate change. For 2024, we are offering both online and face-to-face training courses, notably in Canada, to give stakeholders flexibility in their choice of training. Our à la carte training courses are still available, and should the need arise, we will make available our training catalog with many more courses for à la carte training choices. With this in mind, we are ready to support you according to your needs with online, face-to-face and hybrid training combining online and face-to-face.
On behalf of the entire IFED team, I would like to thank you for your confidence, and hope that we will continue to work together with you throughout 2024 to find the most viable solutions for the ecological transition. Please accept our best wishes for happiness, health and the integration of the 3RVE principle into our lives, and I wish you, your family, your loved ones and your team a happy new year 2024.
General Coordinator
Adrien Djomo. PhD
Forêt Internationale & Développement Environnemental (IFED) specializes in the sustainable management of natural resources, mitigating the adverse effects of climate change and alleviating poverty among local communities living alongside these resources.
Thanks to a network of dynamic partnerships, as well as innovative research and development programs, IFED is always at the cutting edge of technology to provide its partners with an efficient service tailored to their needs. To this end, IFED collaborates with governments, municipalities, the private and public sectors, national and international NGOs, universities, research centers and institutions committed to the development of sustainable natural resource management. We offer training in a wide range of natural resource and environmental management topics.
Our vision is to become a major player in the transition to carbon neutrality by 2030, in terms of training and capacity-building for technical and administrative staff working in the fields of the environment, sustainable management of natural resources and REDD+. We want to be at your side in the transition to carbon neutrality, offering training and capacity-building to help you achieve these objectives.
The specific training objectives are to :
sectors and civil society in the field of sustainable management and the environment
biodiversity and land by 2030.
General Coordinator: Dr. Adrien Djomo
Administration: Ms Gaëlle Djimeli
Board of Directors Chairman: Pr. Louis Zapfack
Dr. Adrien Djomo
Dr. J. Andrew Grant
Dr. Hans Wullaert:
Dr. Ali Asghar Vahedi
Dr. Martin Claude Yemele
Dr. Mabaye Dia
Dr. Nomusa Mngoma
In order to make our training courses more attractive and to achieve the desired objectives and required impacts, IFED’s training modules will be based on pedagogical approaches aimed at training and/or capacity building for adults. Thus, our pedagogical orientations and teaching methods will put learners at the center by taking into account the elements below:
At the start of our training courses, an assessment of learners’ needs is carried out using open-ended questions to enable trainers to better understand and assess the profile of their learners (experience, expertise, interest and motivation to participate in the training session). Given that adult learners are more motivated to learn when the learning process helps solve their problems, uses their personal experience, is self-oriented, involves action and a mix of learning styles, IFED’s training courses are based on assessment. An evaluation is carried out at the end of each training module to assess the effectiveness of the training content, its contribution to the needs and expectations of the learners, as well as using the knowledge acquired during training to improve their approach to managing natural resources and the environment.
Our training courses have been designed to address the environmental issues facing Canadian society. Several themes are covered, such as waste management and pollution, pollution from transportation, the problems of bush fires in Canadian society, pollution associated with the mining industry, and the effective integration of sustainable management and environmental issues into social science courses to further interest and learning among young people on these themes. Each course is offered for a duration of 1h30 each during the first and second quarters of 2024, in French and English, at the following times
Morning – 10 am – 11:30 am
Afternoon 1 pm – 2:30 pm
Evening 5 pm – 6:30 pm
Third-quarter training courses are listed but not scheduled. They can be offered at any time as “à la carte” training courses, according to the needs expressed. In this case, arrangements for dates and times will be made with the groups who express a need for these courses. Registration for each course is carried out on the IFED website. If you are interested, please go directly to the site to register.
You can also e-mail us if you have any problems with your registration or if you have any questions at or
Training is provided by professionals and teachers with many years of experience and expertise.
L’accroissement de la population mondiale et la pression sur les ressources naturelles exacerbent les changements climatiques qui s’accompagnent avec de
nombreuses conséquences qui sont de plus en plus visibles telles que de violentes tempêtes, les inondations, les chaleurs et froids extrêmes, le changement des cycles et durée de pluies. Ceci entraine de nombreuses menaces notamment sur les capacités à assurer la sécurité alimentaire, d’éradiquer la pauvreté et d’atteindre le développement durable.
Par ailleurs les différents écosystèmes forestiers terrestres et aquatiques abritent la flore et la faune nécessaire pour nous préserver des impacts des changements climatiques, procurer un meilleur cadre de vie et l’habitat pour les êtres humains et les animaux, procurer les aliments et de nombreux autres services écosystémiques. Cette diversité floristique et faunique extraordinaire est extrêmement menacée par des actions humaines notamment la déforestation, l’exploitation abusive, le trafic illégal d’espaces fauniques causant ou menaçant l’extension des espèces sauvages.
Cette situation est d’autant préoccupante car les populations les plus vulnérables notamment les jeunes et les femmes des milieux ruraux ont une forte dépendance vis-à-vis des ressources forestières, en particulier des produits forestiers non ligneux (PFNL), pour leur subsistance et leur revenu.
Cette formation internationale sur a gestion durable des ressources naturelles va permettre aux experts de renforcer les capacités. La formation sera articulée autour des points suivants :
❖ Ressources naturelles
Bien comprendre les enjeux, opportunités et défis pour mieux accompagner le développement de la société
❖ Écosystèmes forestiers et fauniques
Importance, distribution et contribution pour l’atténuation des changements climatiques ;
❖ Inventaires et modélisation de la gestion des ressources naturelles
❖ Gestion et transformation des déchets
❖ Gestion minière et impacts sur l’environnement
❖ Écocitoyenneté et développement local
❖ Sorties
• Expérience du Canada sur la gestion des ressources naturelles
Date : 08 au 13 juillet 2024
Frais de participation : 1000 usd (logement inclus pour les 10 premiers inscrits)
Lieu de formation : Kingston, Canada
Date de paiement frais d’inscription : 16 mars 2024
Chaque participant recevra une copie du nouveau livre ‘Gestion durable des ressources naturelles et des écosystèmes forestiers’ et une trousse de formation.
Une lettre d’invitation sera envoyée aux participants confirmes pour faciliter leur processus d’obtention de visa.
Nous vous invitons à utiliser le lien ci-dessous pour vous inscrire :
Ces formations seront facilitées par des formateurs et des professionnels de haut niveau ayant de très longues années d’expériences dans le domaine de la formation, et la gestion des ressources naturelles. Une attestation de formation sera délivrée aux participants. Les notes de cours et éventuellement les vidéos de cours seront mis à la disposition des participants qui pour diverses raisons, ne pourront pas participer à certaines sessions de formation. Pour tout renseignement, se reporter à :
L’accroissement de la population mondiale et la pression sur les ressources naturelles exacerbent les changements climatiques qui s’accompagnent avec de
nombreuses conséquences qui sont de plus en plus visibles telles que de violentes tempêtes, les inondations, les chaleurs et froids extrêmes, le changement des cycles et durée de pluies. Ceci entraine de nombreuses menaces notamment sur les capacités à assurer la sécurité alimentaire, d’éradiquer la pauvreté et d’atteindre le développement durable.
Par ailleurs les différents écosystèmes forestiers terrestres et aquatiques abritent la flore et la faune nécessaire pour nous préserver des impacts des changements climatiques, procurer un meilleur cadre de vie et l’habitat pour les êtres humains et les animaux, procurer les aliments et de nombreux autres services écosystémiques.
Cette diversité floristique et faunique extraordinaire est extrêmement menacée par des actions humaines notamment la déforestation, l’exploitation abusive, le trafic illégal d’espaces fauniques causant ou menaçant l’extension des espèces sauvages. Cette situation est d’autant préoccupante car les populations les plus vulnérables notamment les jeunes et les femmes des milieux ruraux ont une forte dépendance vis-à-vis des ressources forestières, en particulier des produits forestiers non ligneux (PFNL), pour leur subsistance et leur revenu. Cette formation internationale sur a gestion durable des ressources naturelles va
permettre aux experts de renforcer les capacités. La formation sera articulée autour des points suivants :
❖ Ressources naturelles
Bien comprendre les enjeux, opportunités et défis pour mieux accompagner le développement de la société
❖ Écosystèmes forestiers et fauniques
Importance, distribution et contribution pour l’atténuation des changements climatiques ;
❖ Inventaires et modélisation de la gestion des ressources naturelles
❖ Gestion et transformation des déchets
❖ Gestion minière et impacts sur l’environnement
❖ Écotourisme et développement local
❖ Sorties
• Visite des sites naturelles
• Expérience du Canada sur la gestion des ressources naturelles
Date : 11 au 16 mars 2024
Frais de participation : 1000 usd (logement inclus pour les 10 premiers inscrits)
Lieu de formation : Kingston, Canada
Date de paiement frais d’inscription : 17 février 2024
Chaque participant recevra une copie du nouveau livre ‘Gestion durable des ressources naturelles et des écosystèmes forestiers’ et une trousse de formation.
Une lettre d’invitation sera envoyée aux participants confirmes pour faciliter leur processus d’obtention de visa.
Nous vous invitons à utiliser le lien ci-dessous pour vous inscrire :
Ces formations seront facilitées par des formateurs et des professionnels de haut niveau ayant de très longues années d’expériences dans le domaine de la formation, et la gestion des ressources naturelles. Une attestation de formation sera délivrée aux participants. Les notes de cours et éventuellement les vidéos de cours seront mis à la disposition des participants qui pour diverses raisons, ne pourront pas participer à certaines sessions de formation. Pour tout renseignement, se reporter à :
Course Details
The aim of this training course is to enable participants to train or strengthen their technical and financial capacities in the process of setting up environmental projects.
Articulations of this module include :
Technical assembly
❖ Analysis phase
✓ Preparato ry analysis
✓ Stakeholder analysis
✓ Analysis of the problem and strategies
❖ Planning phase
✓ The Logical Framework
✓ Indicators and sources of checks
✓ The necessary resources
✓ Preparing a calendar of activities
✓ Drafting the project (elements to consider for a high-impact project)
❖ Submission phase and project financing
✓ Setting up a mechanism for monitoring available financing
✓ Knowledge of lessor requirements
✓ Implementation of the submission
❖ Monitoring and evaluation phase Assembly project finance
✓ Knowledge of partners and their requirements
✓ Analysis of project inputs
✓ Preparing budget forecasts (expenses and revenues)
✓ Implementation of a monitoring system evaluation
✓ Drafting the financial package
Course Details
Despite the ban on single-use plastics in Canada, plastic continues to be a problem for the environment and biodiversity. During this training session, we’ll be identifying the problems associated with plastic packaging that continue to undermine our environment, and suggesting solutions and community actions that can help us gradually achieve our goal of zero waste by 2030.
Articulations of this module include :
A brief reminder of the regulation banning single-use plastics
-Overview of plastics use in Canada since the RIPUU regulation ban in 2020
-Island of plastics and the impact of plastic waste on terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity
-Solutions and community actions we can take to limit the pollution and impact of plastic in our daily lives
Course Details
Storms are becoming increasingly frequent and violent in Canadian society, causing considerable property damage. This training course will help you understand the issues and challenges of storms in Canada, their consequences and suggest possible measures to prevent or mitigate them.
Articulations of this module include :
-Issues and challenges of storms in Canada
-Frequency, evolution and distribution of storms in recent years
-Storm impacts – property damage
-Agent and community effectiveness in storm management
-Storm prevention and mitigation
-Analysis and possible and alternative solutions
Course Details
This training aims to provide teachers and leaders of environmental clubs with tools and possible actions to encourage a greater contribution from young people and the certification of schools.
Articulations of this module include :
Understand the concepts of the 3RVEs and eco- citizenship
-Environmental and eco- citizen initiatives in schools
How to get more young people involved in eco- citizenship initiatives in schools
-Green school certification process
Course Details
Mining is a major contributor to the Canadian economy. It also has a negative impact on the environment, the climate crisis and biodiversity. This training session will highlight the problems of the mining industry in Canadian society, and suggest ways to overcome them.
Articulations of this module include :
-Importance of the oil and gas industry to the Canadian economy
-The impact of oil and gas extraction on the environment and biodiversity
-Solutions to limit the environmental impact of oil and gas extraction in Canada
Course Details
In Canada, bushfires are becoming increasingly frequent and violent, causing extensive property damage and pollution. The aim of this training course is to familiarize participants with the issues and challenges of bushfires in Canada, their consequences, and to suggest possible measures to prevent or mitigate them.
Articulations of this module include :
-Issues and challenges of forest fires in Canada
-Frequency, evolution and distribution of forest fires in recent years
-Impacts of bushfires – pollution, material damage
-Agent and community effectiveness in forest fire management
-Forest fire prevention and mitigation – analysis of possible and alternative solutions
Course Details
The objective of this session is to train and provide participants, who are teachers in various school boards across Canada, with the tools to effectively integrate sustainable management concepts into their courses and generate greater interest among their students.
Articulations of this module include :
❖ Natural resources: Understanding the issues, opportunities and challenges to better support the company’s development
❖ The various themes of sustainable management and that can be used in various social science courses;
❖ Teaching resources and approaches for effective integration of sustainable management and environmental issues into social science courses.
Course Details
There are some 18 million passenger vehicles on Canadian roads, contributing significantly to air pollution, particularly in urban areas. This training course will enable participants to better understand the impacts of pollution in Canada’s major metropolises and to propose alternative solutions.
Articulations of this module include :
-Canadians’ dependence on cars of all kinds
-Different forms of pollution associated with transport
-Impact of transportation pollution on the quality of life and health of Canadians and biodiversity
-Some solutions and alternatives to reduce transportation pollution in Canadian society
Course Details
This training aims to equip participants with knowledge of the waste management process through the application of the 3RVE principles and the circular economy. It will also show how good waste management can not only make a significant contribution to preserving the environment, but also stimulate additional income for local economic development.
Articulations of this module include :
∙ The guiding principles of waste management and the circular economy
∙ The 3RVE and waste management
∙ The various waste transformation and recovery processes
∙ Taking account of value chains in consumption and waste management
∙ The implementation of a waste and by-product sorting system to improve environmental efficiency and recycling of industrial and semi- industrial waste and by-products
∙ Role of players and parties stakeholders in waste management
∙ Presentation of experiments in waste management and the circular economy
IFED lance pour le premier trimestre 2023 quatre formations en ligne sur 1. le paiement pour les services environnementaux (PSE), 2. la qualité, hygiène et sécurité environnement (QHSE), 3. le montage des projets REDD+ et de gestion des ressources naturelles et 4. le développement local, changement climatique et neutralité carbone. Veuillez trouver ci-dessous un bref descriptif de la formation.
L’objectif de cette formation est de présenter aux apprenants les opportunités, mécanismes et défis de financement et des paiements pour services environnementaux dans le cadre de la REDD++. Cette formation est articulée autour des points suivants :
➢ Dépendance des populations vis-à-vis des ressources forestières ;
➢ Importance de l’implication des populations locales dans la gestion durable des ressources forestières ;
➢ Concept de gestion durable et développement de la REDD++ ;
➢ Gestion durable des écosystèmes Africains (gestion adaptative, Participative et multi usages) dans le cadre de la REDD++ ;
➢ Activités et critères des projets éligibles dans le cadre de la REDD++ ;
➢ Présentation des divers puits de carbone et liens avec le changement climatique ;
➢ Financement de la REDD++ : opportunités et défis ;
➢ PSE – définition et justification ;
➢ Mécanismes de mise en œuvre ;
➢ Estimation des services éco Systémiques ;
➢ Les diverses institutions impliquées dans le financement de la REDD++ et PSE ;
➢ Marches des PSE ;
➢ Financement des PES ;
➢ Conditions de réussite pour les Projets PSE ;
➢ Gestion des PSE ;
➢ Présentations des expériences des pays et des projets ayant mis en œuvre des PSE.
Date : 24 au 26 janvier 2023
Frais de participation : $250 USD
Date limite d’inscription : Dimanche 15 janvier 2023
Nous vous invitons à utiliser le lien ci-dessous pour vous inscrire :
A l’issue de cette formation, les apprenants seront capables d’élaborer et mettre en œuvre une politique QHSE dans une organisation, une entreprise privée ou publique. Cette formation est articulée autour des points suivants :
o Enjeux et responsabilités du management qualité sécurité et environnement (QSE) ;
o Principes du management de la QHSE.
o Système de management de la qualité (SMQ) ;
o Système de management santé sécurité au travail (SMSST) ;
o Système de management environnemental (SME) ;
o Intégration et audit des systèmes de management QSE ;
o Management des risques professionnels ;
o Organisation de l’intervention ;
o Ergonomie industrielle et étude de danger.
Date : 07 au 09 février 2023
Frais de participation : $250 USD
Date limite d’inscription : Dimanche 22 janvier 2023
Nous vous invitons à utiliser le lien ci-dessous pour vous inscrire :
Le but de cette formation est de permettre aux participants de se former ou renforcer leurs capacités techniques et financiers dans le processus du montage des projets pour la REDD++, les projets de gestion de ressources naturelles ou les autres types de projet, afin de leur permettre d’accéder plus facilement aux financements de plus en plus limités. Cette formation est articulée autour des points suivants :
Montage technique
❖ Phase d’analyse
✓ Analyse préparatoire ;
✓ Analyse des parties prenantes ;
✓ Analyse du problème et des stratégies.
❖ Phase de planification
✓ Le cadre logique ;
✓ Indicateurs et sources de vérifications ;
✓ Les moyens nécessaires ;
✓ Préparation d’un calendrier d’activités ;
✓ Rédaction du projet (éléments à considérer pour avoir un projet à Fort impact).
❖ Phase de soumission et recherche de financement du projet
✓ Mise en place d’un mécanisme pour le monitoring des financements disponibles ;
✓ Connaissance des exigences du bailleur ;
✓ Mise en place du calendrier de soumission ;
❖ Phase de suivi-évaluation
Montage financier du projet
✓ Connaissance des partenaires et leurs exigences ;
✓ Analyse des intrants du projet ;
✓ Préparation du budget prévisionnel (dépenses et recettes) ;
✓ Mise en place d’un système de suivi-évaluation ;
✓ Rédaction du montage financier.
Date : 21 au 23 février 2023
Frais de participation : $250 USD
Date limite d’inscription : 05 février 2023
Nous vous invitons à utiliser le lien ci-dessous pour vous inscrire :
L’objectif de cette formation est de permettre aux apprenants d’acquérir des outils permettant de faciliter le développement local en tenant compte de la protection de l’environnement et des enjeux de la REDD+. Ce cours est articulé autour des points suivants :
• Théorie et concepts du développement économique et local, ainsi que de l’économie sociale et du développement socio-territorial ;
• Contexte de l’émergence ou de la réémergence des préoccupations et initiatives à l’échelle locale ;
• Systèmes locaux de production, les grappes industrielles, les districts culturels et les clusters ;
• Les acteurs du développement économique local ;
• Initiatives de développement local et l’innovation socio-territoriale ;
• Acteurs communautaires à l’initiative du développement local ;
• Exemples d’initiatives de développement local en Afrique et au niveau international présentés à travers des études de cas et des entrevues avec les acteurs qui illustrent les divers axes d’intervention ;
• Interactions d’acteurs et initiatives de développement ;
• Conditions de succès des initiatives locales de développement : sentiment d’appartenance, prise en charge des acteurs, leadership, innovation et réseaux de coopération ;
• Positionnement de la REDD+ dans le développement local ;
• Paiement pour services environnementaux (PSE) et développement local.
Date : 07 au 09 mars 2023
Frais de participation : $250 USD
Date limite d’inscription : 19 février 2023
Nous vous invitons à utiliser le lien ci-dessous pour vous inscrire :
Ces formations seront facilitées par des formateurs et des professionnels de haut niveau ayant de très longues années d’expériences dans le domaine de la formation, et la gestion des ressources naturelles.
Une attestation de formation sera délivrée aux participants. Les notes de cours et éventuellement les vidéos de cours seront mis à la disposition des participants qui pour diverses raisons, ne pourront pas participer à certaines sessions de formation.
Enfin, un certificat environnemental sera octroyé aux municipalités et aux institutions privées ou publiques qui enverront 5 personnes et plus à cette formation qui leur permettra d’adopter des changements profonds dans la gestion de leur milieu de vie.
Pour tout renseignement, se reporter à :
Protected areas are the main mechanism for safeguarding biodiversity, the cornerstone that each State has for achieving the objectives of maintenance and sustainable use of biodiversity and compliance with its commitments to the international convention on biological diversity.
However, despite efforts to conserve biodiversity and biological heritage through protected areas, the world’s biological diversity is increasingly threatened or even disappearing for many of them related to pressures of all kinds, but also because of the vulnerability of local populations, problems of sustainable financing, which should lead ecologists, managers of protected areas, local populations, technicians and engineers in the ministries concerned to reconsider the traditional ways of managing protected areas.
This course will enable participants to better understand the tools and techniques of planning for effective management of PAs, to significantly improve their contribution to the conservation of biological diversity and the living conditions of the local populations. This course will also help participants to improve their knowledge on management and evaluation standards, as well as sustainable financing mechanisms in order to help mitigating the critical issue of the economic and ecological profitability of PA conservation. Emphasis will be placed on ecotourism techniques to improve visits and make PAs more profitable.
-National conservation policies (legislation, strategies) and protected area management issues
-Presentation of appropriate tools for planning and management of protected areas (Management Plan, Business Plan, Integrated Market Enforcement Teams (IMET), Annual Budgeted Work Plan (ABWP), etc.)
-Field trip and data processing
-Funding research, sustainable financial mechanisms, and lobbying
Date : 08 to 10 November 2022
Participation fees : $250 USD
Registration deadline : October 23, 2022
This training will be facilitated by high-level trainers and professionals with many years of experience in protected area training and management. PARKS CANADA experts will share their experiences in the development of protected areas through ecotourism, visitor experience and responsible enforcement of regulations that make Canada one of the most popular places in the world for ecotourists.
A certificate of training will be issued to participants. Course notes and videos will be made available to those who, for various reasons, will not be able to attend certain sessions.
We invite you to use the link below to register:
For all information, please refer to :
Contexte et objectif
Dans notre environnement économique caractérisé par une concurrence rude, des clients plus exigeants, standardisation, qualité service/produit et satisfaction client sont devenus les maîtres mots. Mais suffit-il d’en parler ? Il y a plus d’un demi-siècle, le Dr WE DEMING, l’un des gourous du management, notait ceci : ”Il ne suffit pas d’avoir des clients satisfaits. Les clients mécontents iront chez vos concurrents ! Malheureusement, les clients satisfaits iront aussi chez vos concurrents pour voir s’ils ne perdent pas trop avec vous, ou s’ils peuvent gagner un peu plus avec eux… On fait du profit quand on a des clients réguliers, des clients qui nous recommandent leurs connaissances”.
Comment traduire cela efficacement dans la pratique ? Quels sont les outils/méthodes et mécanismes ?
L’Institut International IFED – CANADA avec son expertise vous en dira plus !
Profitez de cette offre de formation exceptionnelle.
Bénéfices attendus
A l’issue de cette formation, vous serez, entre autres :
❖ Plus à même de déployer de bonnes pratiques de management orientées vers la « satisfaction client »,
qui favorisent la réduction des coûts, le respect des délais et la conformité de vos services/produits ;
❖ Équipé pour mieux répondre aux attentes de vos clients, afin d’augmenter leur
fidélité et votre rentabilité.
Public cible
❖ Chef d’entreprise
❖ Responsable commercial ❖ Responsable
marketing, distribution et/ou communication
❖ Responsable de production
❖ Responsable QHSE ❖ Responsable
d’équipe ou de projet
Contenu du programme
Module 1 : Focus sur la gestion de la qualité
❖ Les enjeux, les différentes facettes de la qualité, focus sur la norme ISO 9001:2015
❖ Etude de cas : Expérience en management de la qualité d’une entreprise multinationale certifiée ISO 9001:2015
Module 2 : Assurez la satisfaction de vos clients
❖ Méthodes, outils et astuces, notions d’exigences implicites et explicites
Module 3 : Prévention et traitement des plaintes
❖ Approche et outils
Date : 29-31 mars 2022
Frais de participation EN LIGNE : 250 $ US
Date limite d’inscription : jeudi 24 mars 2022
Cette formation sera animée par des formateurs de haut niveau et des professionnels ayant de nombreuses années d’expérience
dans les domaines de la formation, et de la Qualité, Hygiène, Sécurité, Environnement (QHSE). Les expériences pratiques
dans divers contextes permettront d’approfondir les connaissances et les compétences des participants à la gestion de la qualité pour
la satisfaction des clients.
Une attestation de formation sera délivrée aux participants. Les notes de cours et éventuellement les vidéos de cours seront mises à la disposition des participants qui, pour diverses raisons, ne peuvent assister à certaines sessions de formation. Toute municipalité, institution privée ou publique qui envoie 5 personnes ou plus à la formation bénéficiera d’une remise de 5 à 10%.
Nous vous invitons à utiliser le lien ci-dessous pour vous inscrire :
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Course Details
This course aims to give the learner the tools and techniques for planning and effective management of PAs, with a view to significantly improving their contribution to the conservation of biological diversity and to the improvement of the living conditions of neighboring populations. of PAs. This course will also allow the learner to master the standards of management and evaluation, as well as the mechanisms of sustainable financing of PAs in order to contribute to the mitigation of the thorny problem of the economic and ecological profitability of the conservation of protected areas.
Articulations of this module include :
-National conservation policies (Legislation, Strategies) and issues of the management of protected areas
-Efficient planning and management of protected areas (Tools: Management / development plan, Business Plan, Integrated Market Enforcement Teams (IMET), Annual Budgeted Work Plan (AWPB), etc.)
– Ecology of tropical ecosystems and notions of conservation biology
– Landscape & ecological connectivity approaches and cross-border management
-Participatory approaches (local populations, other stakeholders / national and international partners: Governmental Institutions and Non-Governmental Organizations, Research institutes, Private sector …) and management of biodiversity
– Sustainable management of PA natural resources (Management of terrestrial, marine and coastal ecosystems; Integrated planning of the use of space; Exploitation of plant species with high economic potential; Sustainable exploitation of Non-Wood Forest Products of plant origin, Design, implementation and monitoring of development projects alternative to the overexploitation of natural resources; Partnership negotiation and good governance)
– Promotion of wildlife in and on the outskirts of PAs (Ecotourism, Sport hunting, Village hunting)
– Prevention of zoonoses
– Ecological monitoring, wildlife inventory techniques and concepts of GIS (Software and Tools: Distance sampling, Elephant Trade Information System (ETIS), Monitoring Illegal Killing of Endangered Species (MIKES), Monitoring system for the Bushmeat sector in Africa Central (SYVBAC), navigation tools: maps, compass, GPS, etc.)
– Field trips and data processing
-Environmental law and sustainable development in Africa (International conventions, Action plans, Programs …)
-Environmental economics
– Environmental Information and Education (Information Education Communication (IEC), Environmental Education)
– Fundraising, sustainable financial mechanisms and lobbying
– Planning and management of human resources
Course Details
The objective of this training is to build participants’ capacity on ecotaxation or green (environmental) taxation so that they can build on it to facilitate the economic transition to a more environmentally friendly green economy
– Basic concepts of eco-taxation
– Eco-taxation and the transition to green energy capacity on eco taxation or green (environmental) taxation so that they can build on it to facilitate the economic transition to a more environmentally friendly green economy
– Eco-fiscality: impacts, challenges and opportunities for the economy
-Implementing eco-taxation (issues and challenges)
– Political and social acceptability of carbon pricing : Implications
– Options for improving the social and political acceptability of eco taxation
– Reforms needed for a successful implementation of eco-taxation
Course Details
This training will allow the participants to reinforce their capacities on green energies and in particular on solar energy (photovoltaic).
It will allow participants to learn how this energy works, its installation and its use for self-consumption or in hybrid.
– The different forms of green energy – advantages / disadvantages
– Production and management of energy:
– Key facts about solar photovoltaic energy
– Characteristics of solar photovoltaic panels
– The components of the photovoltaic system (controller, inverter, accumulator, inverter, protection system)
– Planning your solar photovoltaic system
– Distributed generation (grid-connected system)
– Solar photovoltaic energy for self-consumption
– Potential of green energy, especially solar energy for Africa
– Basic concepts of electricity calculations
– The notions of calibration
– Solar photovoltaic system diagram
– Dimensioning and assembly of a photovoltaic system
Course Details
The objective of this training is to build the capacity of participants on climate finance or green (environmental) finance so that they can leverage to facilitate the mobilization of finance for the development and implementation of carbon neutral projects.
-Basic concepts and principles of finance
-Accounting language. How to interpret financial statements
-Climate finance
-Basic concepts
-Sources of climate finance
-How to assess eligibility for climate finance
-International negotiation techniques related to the environment, conservation and sustainable management of biodiversity, sustainable management of forest ecosystems
IFED à le plaisir de vous convier à la formation sur la Gestion des Déchets – Chaîne de Valeur et Économie Circulaire.
FED a le plaisir de vous convier à Capsule Municipale de ce fait nous vous invitons à effectuer votre inscription à la conférence via ce lien :
DATE : Mercredi 09 février 2022
HORAIRE : 8h – 9h30 EDT (Canada) 13h – 14h30 UTC/GMT
veuillez cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous pour accéder à la conférence
Meeting ID: 870 5378 9987
Passcode: 092471
Conférence libre et gratuite – Tout le monde est la bienvenu
Our vision is to become a major player in the transition to carbon neutrality by
2030 in terms of training and capacity building for technical and administrative
staff working in the fields of the environment, sustainable natural resource
management and REDD+. Thus, we wish to be at your side in the transition to
carbon neutrality by offering training and capacity building to achieve these
Climate change is accompanied by several increasingly visible consequences such as severe storms, flooding, extreme heat and cold, and changes in rainfall cycles and duration. This poses numerous threats, particularly to the ability to ensure food security, eradicate poverty and achieve sustainable development. Faced with these challenges, concrete responses are expected at different levels of society, including governments and civil society actors, so that future generations can maintain their chances of survival. Thus, to combat climate change and its impacts, at COP 26 held in Glasgow, Scotland, from 1 to 12 November 2021, stakeholders committed to work collectively to halt and reverse forest loss and land degradation by 2030, while ensuring sustainable development and promoting inclusive rural transformation. This requires the mobilisation of national and international financial flows to reverse forest loss and degradation. However, will and finance alone will not make the world carbon neutral. The transition from a high-carbon society to a low-carbon society requires greater involvement of civil society and a great deal of training and capacity building to enable the various actors to be better equipped to set up and develop projects with a high environmental impact.
In order to accompany this transition to achieve carbon neutrality with little or no deforestation and forest degradation, IFED ( in collaboration with Queen’s University ( based in Canada has set up this professional training and capacity building programme for the year 2022.
These trainings will be facilitated by high level trainers and professionals with many years of experience in training and capacity building in the fields of renewable resources management and climate change.
For this year 2023, we offer both face-to-face and online training to allow stakeholders flexibility in their choice of training. Our à la carte courses remain available and if needed, we can make our training catalogue with many more courses available for à la carte training choices. In this respect, we are willing to accompany you according to your needs with 100% distance learning or blended learning (combining online and face-to-face training).
While thanking you for your confidence, we wish you and your team merry Christmas and happy new year 2023.
The General Coordinator
Adrien Djomo. PhD
Course Details
The objective of this module is to enable learners to master the issues management of forest resources management issues in relation to with changes climate change and the opportunities related to REDD+.
Articulations of this module include :
– Definitions
– Sustainable forest development
– Sustainable forest management (ecosystem-based management)
– Sustainable management of African forests (adaptation, participatory and multi-use
– History of sustainable forest development
– Importance of forest management and forest concessions for sustainable management
– Organization and operation of forest concessions
– Ecosystem services
– Dependence of populations on forest resources
– Importance of local people’s involvement in the sustainable management of forest
– Opportunity of REDD+ in forest resources management.
Détails du parcours
L’objectif de cette formation est de permettre aux apprenants d’apprendre à maîtriser la gestion de la gestion des ressources, l’estimation et le suivi des stocks de carbone afin de permettre d’atteindre à moyen terme la neutralité carbone.
– Definitions
– Sustainable forest development
– Sustainable forest management (ecosystem-based management)
– Sustainable management of African forests (adaptive, participatory and multi-use management)
– History of sustainable forest development
– Importance of forest management and forest concessions as a tool for sustainable management
– Organization and functioning of forest concessions;
– Ecosystem services ;
– Dependence of populations on forest resources;
– Importance of the involvement of local populations in the sustainable management of forest resources
– Opportunity of REDD+ in the management of forest resources.
Course Details
The objective of this module is to train and/or strengthen the capacities of actors of development actors on techniques for transformation for improvement of productivity of NTFPs and/or agricultural products.
Articulations of this module include :
– Technological foundations for transformation
– Value-added production and work organization
– Operations, logistics and quality management
– Maintenance management
– Coordination and management of a production team
– Choice of machines and inputs for productivity improvement.
Course Details
The objective This international training on sustainable management of natural resources will
enable experts to build capacity. The training will be structured around
of the following points
Articulations of this module include :
❖ Natural resources
Understand the issues, opportunities and challenges to better support the
Development of the company
❖ Forest and wildlife ecosystems
Significance, distribution and contribution to change mitigation
❖ Notions of statistics and sampling for the management of
natural resources
❖ Remote sensing and the different applications for the management of
natural resources.
❖ Inventories and modelling of natural resource management
❖ Outings
• Visit of natural sites
• Canada’s experience in natural resource management
Course Details
The objective of this module is to Strengthen your capacities on environmental management mechanisms including value creation chains,the circular economy and waste management.
Articulations of this module include :
– Environmental manegement,value chains and competitives of SMEs
– Certification and environmental standards
– Life cycle analysis and circular economy
– Carbon footprint and social acceptability
– Management and Valorization of waste from municipalities and circular economy
– Exchange of experience on value chains creation networks,waste management and the circular economy
Détails du parcours
A l’issue de cette formation, vous serez, entre autres
: produits ;
-Équipé pour mieux répondre aux attentes de vos clients, afin d’augmenter leur fidélité et votre rentabilité.
Les articulations de ce module comprennent :
Module 1 : Focus sur le management de la qualité
*Les enjeux, les différentes facettes de la qualité, focus sur la norme ISO 9001:2015
*Etude de cas : Expérience en management de la qualité d’une multinationale certifiée ISO 9001:2015
Module 2 : Assurez la satisfaction de vos clients
*Méthodes, outils et astuces, notions d’exigences implicites et explicites
Module 3 : Prévention et traitement des plaintes
*Approche et outils
Course Details
The objective of this module is to allow learners to acquire advanced notions in the fields of
processing and analysis of remote sensing images, from display, classification to the analysis of
The module’s articulations include:
– Image acquisition techniques
– Presentation of the general basic techniques of digital image processing and automatic
information extraction
– Classification of multispectral images,
– Physical and technical foundations of remote sensing
– Notions on LIDAR.
– Image geometry, georeferencing (direct location, reverse location)
– Characteristics of radar images and their fields of applications.
Course Details
The objective of this training module is to facilitate the integration of REDD+ concepts in projects
development initiatives. This is a relevant strategy for sustainable development in developing
countries affected by the impacts of deforestation and forest degradation.
Articulations of this module include :
– REDD+ Key concepts
– Context analysis
– Definition of project area
– Key players
– Socio-economic analysis, etc.
– Elements of Project Idea Note (PIN)
– Analysis of deforestation or threats to forest cover drivers
– Reference scenario,
– Project activities to reduce threats
– Governance system, payment mechanism and profit or revenue sharing system
– Elements to be considered for the implementation of Sustainable Development Projects
Course Details
The objective of this module is to train or strengthen the capacities of development actors on
efficient techniques for setting up projects to facilitate access to increasingly limited funding.
This module is structured as follows:
Analysis phase
o Preparatory analysis
o Stakeholder analysis
o Problem analysis
o Analysis of objectives
o Analysis of strategies
Planning phase
o Logical Framework
o Intervention logic
o Indicators and sources of verification
o Assumptions
o the Necessary means
o Preparation of a calendar of activities ( Drafting of the project (elements to consider to have a high impact project)
phase and search for funding of the project
o Preparation of the provisional budget
o Establishment of a mechanism for monitoring available funding
o Knowledge of lessors’ requirements
o Setting up the submission schedule
Monitoring-evaluation phase
o Why?
o When?
o How?
o Financial follow-up
o Writing Report
Financial package of the project
o Knowledge of partners and their requirements
o Analysis of project inputs
o Preparation of the provisional budget (expenditure and revenue)
o Implementation of a monitoring and evaluation system
o Writing of the financial package
Course Details
The objective of this module is to enable learners to acquire tools that facilitate local
development taking account of environmental protection and REDD+ issues.
Articulations of this module include :
– Theory and concepts of economic and local development, as well as social economy and
socio-territorial development.
– Context of the emergence or re-emergence of local concerns and initiatives.
– Local production systems, industrial clusters, cultural districts and clusters.
– Actors in local economic development.
– Local development initiatives and socio-territorial innovation
– Community actor at the initiative of local development
– Examples of local development initiatives in Africa and internationally presented through case studies and interviews with actors that illustrate the various axes of intervention.
– Stakeholder interactions and development initiatives.
– Conditions for success of local development initiatives: sense of ownership, empowerment of actors, leadership, innovation and cooperation networks.
– Positioning of REDD+ in local development.
– Payment for Environmental Services (PES) and local development.