International Forest, & Environmental Development

Forêt Internationale, et Développement Environnemental


FORMATION IFED – Juillet 2024

L’accroissement de la population mondiale et la pression sur les ressources naturelles exacerbent les changements climatiques qui s’accompagnent avec de
nombreuses conséquences qui sont de plus en plus visibles telles que de violentes tempêtes, les inondations, les chaleurs et froids extrêmes, le changement des cycles et durée de pluies. Ceci entraine de nombreuses menaces notamment sur les capacités à assurer la sécurité alimentaire, d’éradiquer la pauvreté et d’atteindre le développement durable.

Par ailleurs les différents écosystèmes forestiers terrestres et aquatiques abritent la flore et la faune nécessaire pour nous préserver des impacts des changements climatiques, procurer un meilleur cadre de vie et l’habitat pour les êtres humains et les animaux, procurer les aliments et de nombreux autres services écosystémiques.  Cette diversité floristique et faunique extraordinaire est extrêmement menacée par des actions humaines notamment la déforestation, l’exploitation abusive, le trafic illégal d’espaces fauniques causant ou menaçant l’extension des espèces sauvages.

Cette situation est d’autant préoccupante car les populations les plus vulnérables notamment les jeunes et les femmes des milieux ruraux ont une forte dépendance vis-à-vis des ressources forestières, en particulier des produits forestiers non ligneux (PFNL), pour leur subsistance et leur revenu.
Cette formation internationale sur a gestion durable des ressources naturelles va permettre aux experts de renforcer les capacités. La formation sera articulée autour des points suivants :

❖ Ressources naturelles
Bien comprendre les enjeux, opportunités et défis pour mieux accompagner le développement de la société
❖ Écosystèmes forestiers et fauniques
Importance, distribution et contribution pour l’atténuation des changements climatiques ;
❖ Inventaires et modélisation de la gestion des ressources naturelles
❖ Gestion et transformation des déchets
❖ Gestion minière et impacts sur l’environnement
❖ Écocitoyenneté et développement local
❖ Sorties
• Expérience du Canada sur la gestion des ressources naturelles

Date : 08 au 13 juillet 2024
Frais de participation : 1000 usd (logement inclus pour les 10 premiers inscrits)
Lieu de formation : Kingston, Canada
Date de paiement frais d’inscription : 16 mars 2024

Chaque participant recevra une copie du nouveau livre ‘Gestion durable des ressources naturelles et des écosystèmes forestiers’ et une trousse de formation.
Une lettre d’invitation sera envoyée aux participants confirmes pour faciliter leur processus d’obtention de visa.

Nous vous invitons à utiliser le lien ci-dessous pour vous inscrire :

Ces formations seront facilitées par des formateurs et des professionnels de haut niveau ayant de très longues années d’expériences dans le domaine de la formation, et la gestion des ressources naturelles. Une attestation de formation sera délivrée aux participants. Les notes de cours et éventuellement les vidéos de cours seront mis à la disposition des participants qui pour diverses raisons, ne pourront pas participer à certaines sessions de formation. Pour tout renseignement, se reporter à :

Register Online!



Inscription admissible seulement pour des personnes vivant au Canada ou n’ayant pas besoin de visa pour entrer au Canada

L’accroissement de la population mondiale et la pression sur les ressources naturelles exacerbent les changements climatiques qui s’accompagnent avec de
nombreuses conséquences qui sont de plus en plus visibles telles que de violentes tempêtes, les inondations, les chaleurs et froids extrêmes, le changement des cycles et durée de pluies. Ceci entraine de nombreuses menaces notamment sur les capacités à assurer la sécurité alimentaire, d’éradiquer la pauvreté et d’atteindre le développement durable.

Par ailleurs les différents écosystèmes forestiers terrestres et aquatiques abritent la flore et la faune nécessaire pour nous préserver des impacts des changements climatiques, procurer un meilleur cadre de vie et l’habitat pour les êtres humains et les animaux, procurer les aliments et de nombreux autres services écosystémiques.
Cette diversité floristique et faunique extraordinaire est extrêmement menacée par des actions humaines notamment la déforestation, l’exploitation abusive, le trafic illégal d’espaces fauniques causant ou menaçant l’extension des espèces sauvages. Cette situation est d’autant préoccupante car les populations les plus vulnérables notamment les jeunes et les femmes des milieux ruraux ont une forte dépendance vis-à-vis des ressources forestières, en particulier des produits forestiers non ligneux (PFNL), pour leur subsistance et leur revenu. Cette formation internationale sur a gestion durable des ressources naturelles va
permettre aux experts de renforcer les capacités. La formation sera articulée autour des points suivants :
❖ Ressources naturelles
Bien comprendre les enjeux, opportunités et défis pour mieux accompagner le développement de la société
❖ Écosystèmes forestiers et fauniques
Importance, distribution et contribution pour l’atténuation des changements climatiques ;

❖ Inventaires et modélisation de la gestion des ressources naturelles
❖ Gestion et transformation des déchets
❖ Gestion minière et impacts sur l’environnement
❖ Écotourisme et développement local
❖ Sorties
• Visite des sites naturelles
• Expérience du Canada sur la gestion des ressources naturelles

Date : 11 au 16 mars 2024
Frais de participation : 1000 usd (logement inclus pour les 10 premiers inscrits)
Lieu de formation : Kingston, Canada
Date de paiement frais d’inscription : 17 février 2024

Chaque participant recevra une copie du nouveau livre ‘Gestion durable des ressources naturelles et des écosystèmes forestiers’ et une trousse de formation.
Une lettre d’invitation sera envoyée aux participants confirmes pour faciliter leur processus d’obtention de visa.

Nous vous invitons à utiliser le lien ci-dessous pour vous inscrire :

Ces formations seront facilitées par des formateurs et des professionnels de haut niveau ayant de très longues années d’expériences dans le domaine de la formation, et la gestion des ressources naturelles. Une attestation de formation sera délivrée aux participants. Les notes de cours et éventuellement les vidéos de cours seront mis à la disposition des participants qui pour diverses raisons, ne pourront pas participer à certaines sessions de formation. Pour tout renseignement, se reporter à :

Register Online!

ONLINE TRAINING – FOURTH QUARTER 2022 – MFE 208: Effective management of Protected Areas (PAs)



Protected areas are the main mechanism for safeguarding biodiversity, the cornerstone that each State has for achieving the objectives of maintenance and sustainable use of biodiversity and compliance with its commitments to the international convention on biological diversity.

However, despite efforts to conserve biodiversity and biological heritage through protected areas, the world’s biological diversity is increasingly threatened or even disappearing for many of them related to pressures of all kinds, but also because of the vulnerability of local populations, problems of sustainable financing, which should lead ecologists, managers of protected areas, local populations, technicians and engineers in the ministries concerned to reconsider the traditional ways of managing protected areas.

This course will enable participants to better understand the tools and techniques of planning for effective management of PAs, to significantly improve their contribution to the conservation of biological diversity and the living conditions of the local populations. This course will also help participants to improve their knowledge on management and evaluation standards, as well as sustainable financing mechanisms in order to help mitigating the critical issue of the economic and ecological profitability of PA conservation. Emphasis will be placed on ecotourism techniques to improve visits and make PAs more profitable.


-National conservation policies (legislation, strategies) and protected area management issues

-Presentation of appropriate tools for planning and management of protected areas (Management Plan, Business Plan, Integrated Market Enforcement Teams (IMET), Annual Budgeted Work Plan (ABWP), etc.)

  • Biodiversity restoration inside and outside protected areas
  • Landscape & ecological connectivity approaches and transboundary management Participatory approaches                   (local   populations,      other   national         and                 international stakeholders/partners: governmental institutions and non-governmental organizations, research institutes, private sector, ) and biodiversity management
  • Sustainable management of natural resources in PAs (Management of terrestrial, marine and coastal ecosystems; integrated land use planning; exploitation of floral species with high economic potential; sustainable exploitation of non-timber forest products of plant origin; design, implementation and monitoring of development projects alternative to the overexploitation of natural resources; partnership negotiation and governance)
  • Total Economic Value (TEV) of Protected Areas
  • Prevention of zoonotic diseases
  • Ecological monitoring, wildlife inventory techniques and GIS concepts

-Field trip and data processing

-Funding research, sustainable financial mechanisms, and lobbying

  • Planning and management of human resources
  • Eco-tourism and enhancement of the visitor experience (Parks Canada expertise)
  • Enforcement of legislation to promote eco-tourism (Parks Canada expertise)

Date                                        : 08 to 10 November 2022

Participation fees                 : $250 USD

Registration deadline          : October 23, 2022

This training will be facilitated by high-level trainers and professionals with many years of experience in protected area training and management. PARKS CANADA experts will share their experiences in the development of protected areas through ecotourism, visitor experience and responsible enforcement of regulations that make Canada one of the most popular places in the world for ecotourists.

A certificate of training will be issued to participants. Course notes and videos will be made available to those who, for various reasons, will not be able to attend certain sessions.

We invite you to use the link below to register:

For all information, please refer to :

Register Online!

MFE 208: Effective management of Protected Areas (PA)

Course Details

This course aims to give the learner the tools and techniques for planning and effective management of PAs, with a view to significantly improving their contribution to the conservation of biological diversity and to the improvement of the living conditions of neighboring populations. of PAs. This course will also allow the learner to master the standards of management and evaluation, as well as the mechanisms of sustainable financing of PAs in order to contribute to the mitigation of the thorny problem of the economic and ecological profitability of the conservation of protected areas.

Articulations of this module include :
-National conservation policies (Legislation, Strategies) and issues of the management of protected areas
-Efficient planning and management of protected areas (Tools: Management / development plan, Business Plan, Integrated Market Enforcement Teams (IMET), Annual Budgeted Work Plan (AWPB), etc.)
– Ecology of tropical ecosystems and notions of conservation biology
– Landscape & ecological connectivity approaches and cross-border management
-Participatory approaches (local populations, other stakeholders / national and international partners: Governmental Institutions and Non-Governmental Organizations, Research institutes, Private sector …) and management of biodiversity
– Sustainable management of PA natural resources (Management of terrestrial, marine and coastal ecosystems; Integrated planning of the use of space; Exploitation of plant species with high economic potential; Sustainable exploitation of Non-Wood Forest Products of plant origin, Design, implementation and monitoring of development projects alternative to the overexploitation of natural resources; Partnership negotiation and good governance)
– Promotion of wildlife in and on the outskirts of PAs (Ecotourism, Sport hunting, Village hunting)
– Prevention of zoonoses
– Ecological monitoring, wildlife inventory techniques and concepts of GIS (Software and Tools: Distance sampling, Elephant Trade Information System (ETIS), Monitoring Illegal Killing of Endangered Species (MIKES), Monitoring system for the Bushmeat sector in Africa Central (SYVBAC), navigation tools: maps, compass, GPS, etc.)
– Field trips and data processing
-Environmental law and sustainable development in Africa (International conventions, Action plans, Programs …)
-Environmental economics
– Environmental Information and Education (Information Education Communication (IEC), Environmental Education)
– Fundraising, sustainable financial mechanisms and lobbying
– Planning and management of human resources

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MFE 201: Forest resource management and REDD+.

Course Details

The objective of this module is to enable learners to master the issues management of forest resources management issues in relation to with changes climate change and the opportunities related to REDD+.

Articulations of this module include :
– Definitions
– Sustainable forest development
– Sustainable forest management (ecosystem-based management)
– Sustainable management of African forests (adaptation, participatory and multi-use
– History of sustainable forest development
– Importance of forest management and forest concessions for sustainable management
– Organization and operation of forest concessions
– Ecosystem services
– Dependence of populations on forest resources
– Importance of local people’s involvement in the sustainable management of forest
– Opportunity of REDD+ in forest resources management.

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Détails du parcours

L’objectif de cette formation est de permettre aux apprenants d’apprendre à maîtriser la gestion de la gestion des ressources, l’estimation et le suivi des stocks de carbone afin de permettre d’atteindre à moyen terme la neutralité carbone.

– Definitions
– Sustainable forest development
– Sustainable forest management (ecosystem-based management)
– Sustainable management of African forests (adaptive, participatory and multi-use management)
– History of sustainable forest development
– Importance of forest management and forest concessions as a tool for sustainable management
– Organization and functioning of forest concessions;
– Ecosystem services ;
– Dependence of populations on forest resources;
– Importance of the involvement of local populations in the sustainable management of forest resources
– Opportunity of REDD+ in the management of forest resources.


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Détails du parcours

A l’issue de cette formation, vous serez, entre autres
 : produits ;
-Équipé pour mieux répondre aux attentes de vos clients, afin d’augmenter leur fidélité et votre rentabilité.

Les articulations de ce module comprennent :
Module 1 : Focus sur le management de la qualité
*Les enjeux, les différentes facettes de la qualité, focus sur la norme ISO 9001:2015
*Etude de cas : Expérience en management de la qualité d’une multinationale certifiée ISO 9001:2015

Module 2 : Assurez la satisfaction de vos clients
*Méthodes, outils et astuces, notions d’exigences implicites et explicites

Module 3 : Prévention et traitement des plaintes
*Approche et outils

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MFE 207: Local Development and Climate Change adaptation

Course Details

The objective of this module is to enable learners to acquire tools that facilitate local
development taking account of environmental protection and REDD+ issues.

Articulations of this module include :
– Theory and concepts of economic and local development, as well as social economy and
socio-territorial development.
– Context of the emergence or re-emergence of local concerns and initiatives.
– Local production systems, industrial clusters, cultural districts and clusters.
– Actors in local economic development.
– Local development initiatives and socio-territorial innovation
– Community actor at the initiative of local development
– Examples of local development initiatives in Africa and internationally presented through case studies and interviews with actors that illustrate the various axes of intervention.
– Stakeholder interactions and development initiatives.
– Conditions for success of local development initiatives: sense of ownership, empowerment of actors, leadership, innovation and cooperation networks.
– Positioning of REDD+ in local development.
– Payment for Environmental Services (PES) and local development.

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MFE 208: Effective management of Protected Areas (PA)

Course Details

This course aims to give the learner the tools and techniques for planning and effective management of PAs, with a view to significantly improving their contribution to the conservation of biological diversity and to the improvement of the living conditions of neighboring populations. of PAs. This course will also allow the learner to master the standards of management and evaluation, as well as the mechanisms of sustainable financing of PAs in order to contribute to the mitigation of the thorny problem of the economic and ecological profitability of the conservation of protected areas.

Articulations of this module include :
-National conservation policies (Legislation, Strategies) and issues of the management of protected areas
-Efficient planning and management of protected areas (Tools: Management / development plan, Business Plan, Integrated Market Enforcement Teams (IMET), Annual Budgeted Work Plan (AWPB), etc.)
– Ecology of tropical ecosystems and notions of conservation biology
– Landscape & ecological connectivity approaches and cross-border management
-Participatory approaches (local populations, other stakeholders / national and international partners: Governmental Institutions and Non-Governmental Organizations, Research institutes, Private sector …) and management of biodiversity
– Sustainable management of PA natural resources (Management of terrestrial, marine and coastal ecosystems; Integrated planning of the use of space; Exploitation of plant species with high economic potential; Sustainable exploitation of Non-Wood Forest Products of plant origin, Design, implementation and monitoring of development projects alternative to the overexploitation of natural resources; Partnership negotiation and good governance)
– Promotion of wildlife in and on the outskirts of PAs (Ecotourism, Sport hunting, Village hunting)
– Prevention of zoonoses
– Ecological monitoring, wildlife inventory techniques and concepts of GIS (Software and Tools: Distance sampling, Elephant Trade Information System (ETIS), Monitoring Illegal Killing of Endangered Species (MIKES), Monitoring system for the Bushmeat sector in Africa Central (SYVBAC), navigation tools: maps, compass, GPS, etc.)
– Field trips and data processing
-Environmental law and sustainable development in Africa (International conventions, Action plans, Programs …)
-Environmental economics
– Environmental Information and Education (Information Education Communication (IEC), Environmental Education)
– Fundraising, sustainable financial mechanisms and lobbying
– Planning and management of human resources

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MFE 211: Estimation of emission factors related to changes in vegetation cover

Course Details

This training will enable participants to build their capacity on
procedures and methods for estimating emission factors related to land use change and
and the establishment of a monitoring system.

Articulations of this module include :
*Carbon stock changes due to deforestation and forest degradation by different anthropogenic activities
*IPCC levels for estimating emission factors (EFs)
* Allometric equations
– Definition of allometric equations
– Determination of the allometric equations;
– Uses of allometric equations.
*Establishment of reference levels (FREL/FRL)
* Estimation of emission factors – stock difference method and gain-loss difference method
*Estimation of emission factors related to deforestation
– Stratification of vegetation cover types
– Carbon reservoirs
– Field measurements, carbon stock estimation and EF determination
– Estimating carbon stocks and determining EFs
– Sources of error and quality assurance/ control
*Estimation of emission factors related to forest degradation from different anthropogenic

– Data collection to estimate EFs: field measurements
– Estimated EFs and total emissions
– How to estimate gains from regrowth in anthropogenic areas.

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MFE 212: REDD ++ – Payments for Environmental Services (PES)

Course Details

The objective of this course is to introduce learners to the opportunities, mechanisms and challenges of financing and payments for environmental services under REDD ++. This course will also provide an opportunity to return to the fundamentals of sustainable management and draw on practical cases from countries that have successfully carried out PES so that learners are edified and can adapt them in their context.

Articulations of this module include :

  • Dependence of populations on forest resources;
  • Importance of the involvement of local populations in the sustainable management of forest resources;
  • Concept of sustainable management and development of REDD ++;
  • Sustainable management of African ecosystems (adaptive, participatory and multi-use management) within the context of REDD ++;
  • Activities and criteria of eligible projects under REDD ++;
  • Presentation of the various carbon sinks and links with climate change;
  • REDD ++ financing: opportunities and challenges;
  • PSE – Definition and justification;
  • Implementation mechanisms;
  • Estimation of ecosystem services;
  • The various institutions involved in the financing of REDD ++ and PSE;
  • PES markets;
  • Financing of PES;
  • Conditions for success of PES projects;
  • Management of PES
  • Presentations of the experiences of countries and projects that have implemented PES.

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Course Details

The objective of this training is allow Participants improve their Capabilities in the
Management of resources natural, bushfires and REDD+ in order to better protect The environment.

Articulations of this module include :
– Introduction to bushfire management and REDD+;
– Legislative, policy and institutional framework;
– REDD+ and rural fire management approach;
– National Fire Management Plan/Strategy;
– Actors and fire cycles;
– Development of maps for bushfire monitoring;
– Bushfire prevention strategies;
– Methods for analyzing bushfire dynamics;
– PES and bushfire management;
– Presentation of good practice cases;

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MFE 214: Use of drones for monitoring REDD+ activities and sustainable land management

Course Details

The objective of this module is to provide users with modern capabilities for monitoring forest
cover with UAVs. This module also provides participants with knowledge on the framework for
using these UAVs.

The module’s components include:
– Introduction
– Different types of drones: costs, Advantages and disadvantages
– Uses of UAVs
– Guide to the use of drones
– Legislation regarding the use of drones
– Monitoring forest cover from drones
-Monitoring of farms from drones
– Application of drones in the REDD+ mechanism: possibilities, advantages, limitations and constraintss

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