International Forest, & Environmental Development

Forêt Internationale, et Développement Environnemental

MFE 306: Eco-Taxation – Green (environmental) Taxation

Course Details

The objective of this training is to build participants’ capacity on ecotaxation or green (environmental) taxation so that they can build on it to facilitate the economic transition to a more environmentally friendly green economy
– Basic concepts of eco-taxation
– Eco-taxation and the transition to green energy capacity on eco taxation or green (environmental) taxation so that they can build on it to facilitate the economic transition to a more environmentally friendly green economy
– Eco-fiscality: impacts, challenges and opportunities for the economy
-Implementing eco-taxation (issues and challenges)
– Political and social acceptability of carbon pricing : Implications
– Options for improving the social and political acceptability of eco taxation
– Reforms needed for a successful implementation of eco-taxation

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MFE 305 : Green Energy – Solar Energy

Course Details

This training will allow the participants to reinforce their capacities on green energies and in particular on solar energy (photovoltaic).

It will allow participants to learn how this energy works, its installation and its use for self-consumption or in hybrid.
– The different forms of green energy – advantages / disadvantages
– Production and management of energy:
– Key facts about solar photovoltaic energy
– Characteristics of solar photovoltaic panels
– The components of the photovoltaic system (controller, inverter, accumulator, inverter, protection system)
– Planning your solar photovoltaic system
– Distributed generation (grid-connected system)
– Solar photovoltaic energy for self-consumption
– Potential of green energy, especially solar energy for Africa
– Basic concepts of electricity calculations
– The notions of calibration
– Solar photovoltaic system diagram
– Dimensioning and assembly of a photovoltaic system

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MFE 307: Climate Finance – Green Finance

Course Details

The objective of this training is to build the capacity of participants on climate finance or green (environmental) finance so that they can leverage to facilitate the mobilization of finance for the development and implementation of carbon neutral projects.

-Basic concepts and principles of finance
-Accounting language. How to interpret financial statements
-Climate finance
-Basic concepts
-Sources of climate finance
-How to assess eligibility for climate finance
-International negotiation techniques related to the environment, conservation and sustainable management of biodiversity, sustainable management of forest ecosystems

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MFE 301: Processing and improving the productivity of NTFPs and/or agricultural products

Course Details

The objective of this module is to train and/or strengthen the capacities of actors of development actors on techniques for transformation for improvement of productivity of NTFPs and/or agricultural products.

Articulations of this module include :
– Technological foundations for transformation
– Value-added production and work organization
– Operations, logistics and quality management
– Maintenance management
– Coordination and management of a production team
– Choice of machines and inputs for productivity improvement.

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MFE 302: Environmental Management-Value chains and circular economy

Course Details

The objective of this module is to Strengthen your capacities on environmental management mechanisms including value creation chains,the circular economy and waste management.

Articulations of this module include :
– Environmental manegement,value chains and competitives of SMEs
– Certification and environmental standards
– Life cycle analysis and circular economy
– Carbon footprint and social acceptability
– Management and Valorization of waste from municipalities and circular economy
– Exchange of experience on value chains creation networks,waste management and the circular economy

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MFE 303: Setting up REDD+ projects

Course Details

The objective of this training module is to facilitate the integration of REDD+ concepts in projects
development initiatives. This is a relevant strategy for sustainable development in developing
countries affected by the impacts of deforestation and forest degradation.

Articulations of this module include :
– REDD+ Key concepts
– Context analysis
– Definition of project area
– Key players
– Socio-economic analysis, etc.
– Elements of Project Idea Note (PIN)
– Analysis of deforestation or threats to forest cover drivers
– Reference scenario,
– Project activities to reduce threats
– Governance system, payment mechanism and profit or revenue sharing system
– Elements to be considered for the implementation of Sustainable Development Projects

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MFE 304: Designing REDD++ and natural resource management projects

Course Details

The objective of this module is to train or strengthen the capacities of development actors on
efficient techniques for setting up projects to facilitate access to increasingly limited funding.

This module is structured as follows:
Analysis phase
o Preparatory analysis
o Stakeholder analysis
o Problem analysis
o Analysis of objectives
o Analysis of strategies
Planning phase
o Logical Framework
o Intervention logic
o Indicators and sources of verification
o Assumptions
o the Necessary means
o Preparation of a calendar of activities ( Drafting of the project (elements to consider to have a high impact project)

phase and search for funding of the project
o Preparation of the provisional budget
o Establishment of a mechanism for monitoring available funding
o Knowledge of lessors’ requirements
o Setting up the submission schedule
Monitoring-evaluation phase
o Why?
o When?
o How?
o Financial follow-up
o Writing Report
Financial package of the project
o Knowledge of partners and their requirements
o Analysis of project inputs
o Preparation of the provisional budget (expenditure and revenue)
o Implementation of a monitoring and evaluation system
o Writing of the financial package

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