International Forest, & Environmental Development

ForĂȘt Internationale, et DĂ©veloppement Environnemental
Climate Change

Climate Change

Climate Change Mitigation

Climate change mitigation is constituted by actions undertaken at different levels to limit the magnitude and impacts of long-term climate change. It involves generally reductions in anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs). Mitigation can also be achieved by increasing the capacity of carbon sinks, e.g., through reforestation or the sustainable management of natural resources, use of wood products with a longer useful life and increasing recycling.

Our Services Include

Integrating climate change mitigation and adaptation measures

Integrating climate change mitigation and adaptation measures

Integrating climate change mitigation and adaptation measures in natural resources management projects such as afforestation, reforestation, fire management, forest concessions management, land use change policies, sustainable agricultures, community forestry, etc.

REDD+ Projects

REDD+ Projects

Quantifying greenhouse gas (GHG) impacts of REDD+ projects, establishment of credible reference levels: Forest Reference Emission Levels / Forest Reference Level (FREL/FRL), design of a Monitoring for REDD+, developing Measuring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) systems compliant with IPCC / GOFC-GOLD guidelines and VCS standards.

Forest Value Chain Management and Life Cycle Analysis of Forest Products

Forest Value Chain Management and Life Cycle Analysis of Forest Products

Forest value chain management and life cycle analysis of forest products. Enhance efficiency in logging operations by reducing the waste during logging operations through RIL techniques, optimizing transportation, transformation, production of charcoal, and development of wood derivative products with locally developed technology. Currently, more than 50% of trees harvested are left in the forest as waste.

Promotion of Wood Products

Promotion of Wood Products

Promotion of wood products in construction and packaging industries. Wood can act as greener alternative to more fossil-fuel intensive materials. Substituting other construction materials (concrete, blocks, and bricks) by wood products results in the significant CO2 savings.

Promotion of The Use of Fertilizers

Promotion of The Use of Fertilizers

Promotion of the use of fertilizers and transformation of agricultural products as alternative for extensive agriculture which have serious impacts on deforestation.

Development of a Sylvicultural Technique

Development of a Sylvicultural Technique

Development of a sylvicultural technique adapted for REDD+ management of forest concessions to allow these management to benefit from climate finance.

Social Marketing

Social Marketing

Social marketing and community engagement.

Developing a Methodology

Developing a Methodology

Developing a methodology that will allow to meet the requirements of climate change finance such as Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD), Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), enhancement of forest carbon stocks through conservation and sustainable management of forests (REDD+), integration of co-benefits through biodiversity conservation and participation of indigenous peoples (REDD++).

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